University of Virginia Library



Every man shall bear his own burden.”—Gal. vi. 5.

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”—Gal. vi. 2.

Cast thy burden on the Lord
Though the trouble be a sword,
Give whate'er He ask;
Cast to-day, its sin and sorrow,
On His Love and leave to-morrow
For to-morrow's task.
Cast from thee the clinging stain,
Christ is stronger than thy chain.
Cast thy burden, loss or lack,
Upon Him and take not back
What thou yieldest up;
Jesus felt Himself thy trial,
And in sweetness of denial
Drank its bitter cup.
Cast each tiniest fret or whim
Only, ever, all on Him.
Cast thy burden, if it be
Big in blackness as the sea,
Wholly on the Lord;
Cast each sadness and thy brother's
Which is thine and not another's,
Till in joy restor'd.
Ah, and knowing what Christ bare,
Cast thyself with every care.