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“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth.”

Sinners, your Saviour see!
O, look ye unto Me!


Lift your eyes, ye fallen race!
I, the gracious God and true,
I am full of truth and grace,
Full of truth and grace for you!
Look, and be saved from sin!
Believe, and be ye clean!
Guilty, labouring souls draw nigh;
See the fountain open'd wide;
To the wounds of Jesus fly,
Bathe ye in My bleeding side.
Ah, dear, redeeming Lord,
We take Thee at Thy word.
Lo! to Thee we ever look,
Freely saved by grace alone:
Thou our sins and curse hast took;
Thou for all didst once atone.
We now the writing see
Nail'd to Thy cross with Thee!
With Thy mangled body torn,
Blotted out by blood Divine;
Far away the bond is borne;
Thou art ours, and we are Thine.
On Thee we fix our eyes,
And wait for fresh supplies;
Justified, we ask for more,
Give the' abiding Spirit, give;
Lord, Thine image here restore,
Fully in Thy members live.
Author of Faith, appear!
Be Thou its Finisher.


Upward still for This we gaze,
Till we feel the stamp Divine,
Thee behold with open face,
Bright in all Thy glory shine.
Leave not Thy work undone,
But ever love Thine own.
Let us all Thy goodness prove,
Let us to the end believe;
Show Thy everlasting love;
Save us, to the utmost save.
O that our life might be
One looking up to Thee!
Ever hastening to the day
When our eyes shall see Thee near!
Come, Redeemer, come away!
Glorious in Thy saints appear.
Jesu, the heavens bow,
We long to meet Thee now!
Now in majesty come down;
Pity Thine elect, and come;
Hear in us Thy Spirit groan,
Take the weary exiles home.
Now let Thy face be seen,
Without a veil between:
Come and change our faith to sight,
Swallow up mortality;
Plunge us in a sea of light:
Christ, be all in all to me!