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Thassault of Cupide vpon the fort where the louers hart lay wounded and how he was taken.

When Cupide scaled first the fort,
Wherin my hart lay wounded sore:
The battry was of such a sort
That I must yelde or dye therfore.
There saw I loue vpon the wall,
How he his banner did display:
Alarme alarme he gan to call,
And bad his souldiours kepe aray.
The armes the which that Cupide bare
Were pearced harts with teares besprent:
In siluer and sable to declare
The stedfast loue he alwayes ment.
There might you se his band all drest,
In colours like to white and blacke:
With powder and with pellets prest,
To bring the fort to spoile and sacke.
Good will the master of the shot,
Stode in the rampyre braue and proud:
For spence of powder he spared not,
Assault assault to crye aloude.
There might you heare the cannons rore
Eche pece discharged a louers loke:
Which had the power to rent, and tore
In any place whereas they toke.
And euen with the trumpets sowne,
The scalyng ladders were vp set:
And beauty walked vp and downe
With bow in hand and arrowes whet.
Then first desire began to scale,
And shrowded him vnder his targe:
As on the worthiest of them all,
And aptest for to geue the charge.
Then pusshed souldiers with their pikes
And holbarders with handy strokes:
The hargabushe in fleshe it lightes,
And dims the ayre with misty smokes.
And as it is the souldiers vse,
When shot and powder gins to want:
I hanged vp my flagge of truce,
And pleaded for my liues graunt.
When fansy thus had made her breach
And beauty entred with her bande:

With bag and baggage selye wretch,
I yelded into beauties hand.
Then beawty bad to blow retrete.
And euery soldiour to retire.
And mercy wilde with spede to fet:
Me captiue bound as prisoner.
Madame (quoth I) sith that thys day,
Hath serued you at all assaies:
I yeld to you without delay,
Here of the fortresse all the kaies.
And sith that I haue ben the marke,
At whom you shot at with youe eye:
Nedes must you with your handy warke,
Or salue my sore or let me dye.