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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Circa quintum, quo scilicet Ascendit.

Now shul we wit quider he went,
A-buf alle heuens, leue ȝe me,
for from that plas to erth he glent,
And thider aȝayn þis day stegh he.
Alle thing as was his entent
to fulfille with hert fre,
As þe apostle her present
witnes, as wel reden we:

Ad Ephesios iiijo: Qui descendit, ipse est, & qui Ascendit super omnes celos vt adimpleret omnia.

‘A-buf alle heuens,’ sais he her,
for mony heuens I fynde þer bene,
Abuf alle quich with-out wer
he stegh þis day, as we shal sene.