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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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11 Of an ill Physician for the body, that became a worse Surgeon for the soule.

A certaine Mountebanke, or paltry Leach,
Finding his Physick furdred not his thrift,
Thought with himselfe to find some further drift.
And though the skill were farre aboue his reach,
He needs would proue a Priest, and falls to preach.
But patching Sermons with a sorry shift,
As needs they must that ere they learne will teach:
At last, some foes so neerely doe him sift,
And of such words and deeds did him appeach,
As from his Liuing quite they did him lift,
And of the Patron straight they begd the gift:
And so the Mountebanke did ouer-reach.
Who when he found he was pursu'd so swift,
Gaue place vnto so sharpe and fierce a breach:
Shutting vp all with this shrewd muttering speach,
Well, though, said he, my Liuing I haue lost,

Yet many a good mans life this losse shall cost.
A stander by, that would be thought officious,
Straight, as an heynous matter of complaint,
Doth with his speech the Iustices acquaint:
Alleaging, as it seem'd, indeed suspicious,
That to the State his meaning was pernitious.
The Leech thus touched with so shrewd a Taint,
Yet in his looke nor answer did, nor faint;
Protesting, that his mind was not malicious.
But if the course that he must take be vicious,
He flat affirmed it was curst constraint:
For, of my Liuing hauing lost possession,
I must, said he, turne to my first profession;
In which, I know too well, for want of skill,
My Medicines will many a man kill.