University of Virginia Library

Kings, who without controul, the Scepter swaid,
As tamelesse are, as Lyons that have preyd:
Which, howsoever, you shall use, or feed them,
Will soon grow dangerous, unlesse you heed them;
You, therefore, must not give them leave to seize,
On ought, at will; no, not so much as Fleas,
Lest, some Prerogative, they thereon found:
But, you must circle them within a Bound;
And, Laws, and Counsellors provide, whereby
You may their Wills, and Judgements, rectifie:
And, then, when they by generall consents,
So furnish'd be, they may be Instruments
Of Honor, Peace, and Plenty. And, take this
From me, who know best, what, most fitting is
For this Isles constitution; That th'increase
Of Wealth, and Honor; Settlement of Peace,


And Freedom from Oppressions, (whatsoe're
Some dream) shall never be enjoyed here,
In any Government, so perfectly,
As, by a regulated Monarchy.