University of Virginia Library


I ask no more, pursue thy way,
By love and joy surrounded;
I would not have one feeling stray
That duty's law has bounded.
It shall be joy enough for me,
Howe'er my fate may alter,
To know that honour goes with thee;
That thy soul cannot falter.


Pursue thy way. Be calm and strong,
No glorious aim foregoing;
Nor ever bend thou right to wrong,
With sophist triumph glowing.
I only ask, amid the cares
And clouds that round me darken,
To memory's murmur of thy love
My happy heart may hearken.
I only ask—if thy strength fail
On Life's tumultuous river—
That thoughts of me may then prevail,
And prompt to proud endeavour.
And oh! believe—whatever Fate,
Or dark or bright, pursue thee,
One loyal heart will nightly send
Its silent blessing to thee.