University of Virginia Library


[Long in prayer and supplication]

Long in prayer and supplication
Have I made my fruitless moan,
Waited, Lord, for Thy salvation,
Hunger'd for a good unknown:
Hid from all but the receiver,
Life's imperishable Tree,
Meat Divine that lasts for ever,
God Himself reveal'd in me.
Through Thy death and righteous merit
Pardon still I hope to' obtain,
Through Thy pure indwelling Spirit
Perfect holiness to gain:
Partner of Thy sinless nature,
All Thy spotless mind to show,
Fashion'd after my Creator,
God as I am known to know.
Whence the earnest expectation,
Struggling now within my breast?
Pants my soul with boundless passion
After its eternal rest.
O that now the grace were given,
Taste of immortality!
Ere I can ascend to heaven,
Heaven must descend to me.


If Thou hast in mercy caught me,
Thee that I may apprehend,
If to this Thyself hast wrought me,
That I may to heaven ascend,
Draw me now into my Centre;
Into Thy ambitious shrine,
Father, Son, and Spirit enter,
Seal my soul for ever Thine!