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[Jesus, to whose omniscient mind]

Jesus, to whose omniscient mind
Future and past are present now,
See my weak soul on Thee reclined,
Whene'er my dying head I bow:
Even now a sinner's suit admit,
Who humbly my request make known,
And, prostrate at Thy mercy-seat,
For peace, and final pardon groan.
Saved from ten thousand deaths and snares,
Wilt Thou not lead me safely home,
Number'd with Thee my hoary hairs
Bring down with triumph to the tomb?
Thou infinite in love and power,
My tempted soul through life stand by,
And when I meet my mortal hour,
My only business be to die.
My finish'd work, my conflicts past,
O may I then with joy perceive,
And, more than conqueror at last,
Glory to my Redeemer give!
Dealing Thy grace to all around,
I would my latest breath employ,
Witness of full redemption found,
And ripe for all my Master's joy.
A sinner saved! (be then my cry)
Saved by the riches of His grace,
Who would not have one sinner die,
Who died Himself for all our race!


His blood my utmost debt has paid,
His blood has cleansed me from all sin,
And bought the heaven I see display'd
To take an heir of glory in.