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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Endymion's Dream.

Fall dew of Slumbers in a gentle Stream,
And my Endymion bless;
That he i'the Banquet of a Dream
May taste his future Happiness.
Softly, softly;
O let no rude affright
As he lies!
Break up his eyes,
But open them to real new Delight.
Drest Seraphins, put on your softest wings;
Glide eas'ly from above:
With blisses Heavens fruition brings
Refresh the panting hopes of Love.
Charm him, Charm him:
Then with a Bee-like Hum
Gently wake
For Hero's sake
Leander from Elizium.