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Intermediate Honors

A certificate of Intermediate Honors is conferred by the Academic
Faculty on the student who, during his first two regular sessions in the
College of Arts and Sciences of this University, has passed on not less than
30 session-hours, including 3 session-hours in English, 3 session-hours in
Mathematics and 6 session-hours in Foreign Language, without failure or
re-examination on any course, and with an average grade on all courses of
85 per cent. or more each session.

The holder of a Certificate of Intermediate Honors, so long as he has
no grade below 75 per cent. on the work of any term in any course, is not
subject to the rules limiting absence from the University, nor does absence
from any class entail on such student any penalty, affecting class-standing,
imposed for absence alone.

The Certificates of Intermediate Honors are publicly conferred at the
Annual Convocation of the University following the session in which the
honors have been attained. The names of the holders of these certificates
are published under a separate heading in the annual catalogue of the University.