University of Virginia Library

Requirements for the Vocational Degree of Bachelor of Science in

A. Group-Electives. Thirty Session-Hours.

Group I: Languages.

Six session-hours required, three in French and three in German.

Group II: Mathematical Sciences.

Three session-hours required in Mathematics A1.

Group III: Natural Sciences.

Eighteen session-hours in three subjects required from the following

  • Chemistry B1, or Chemistry B2.

  • Physics B1.

  • Botany B1, or

  • Zoölogy B1.

Group V: English.

Three session-hours required in English Literature A1, or A2.

B. Major School.

In addition to the thirty hours of group-electives required above,
the candidate must complete in the Department of Medicine as his
Major School, the work of the first two years of the regular medical


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Title Conferred with Diploma.

The candidate who successfully completes the work above outlined,
will receive the title of "Bachelor of Science in Medicine."

Time Required for Obtaining the Vocational B. S. in Medicine.

For candidates entering without advanced standing, the time
required to obtain the degree will be four years. Candidates who
enter with advanced standing and college credit on not less than
twelve of the thirty session-hours of group-electives, may take the
degree at the close of their third session in the university.