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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CLXXVII. 1 Kings, Chap. XXI.
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CLXXVII. 1 Kings, Chap. XXI.

Jezebel murthers Naboth for his Vineyard. Elijah denounces God's Judgments against Ahab and his House. Ahab humbles himself, &c.

Lean Avarice, unbless'd amidst her Store,
Tasts not her own, and yet still gapes for more.
On Naboth's Vineyard, Ahab casts his Eye,
And to enlarge his Garden fain wou'd buy:


Refus'd he to his House displeas'd returns,
With Female Grief his Disappointment mourns:
Upon his Bed the wayward Tyrant thrown,
Neglects his Food, and sees and speaks with none;
Till he the weighty Cause at length declares
To Jezebel, who scarce from smiles forbears,
Her manlier Mischief chides the Monarch's Cares:
Art thou the King of Israel?—thus she said,
I'll soon the Vineyard give, and give the Traitor's Head:
In Ahab's Name the Queen an Order sends
To Jezreel's Nobles, her confiding Friends,
The Sum, that Naboth and his Sons must die,
Accus'd of Treason and of Blasphemy.
Too soon the Loyal Murtherers obey,
And take at once their Life and Fame away;
Their Land devolv'd by Treason to the Crown,
The Tyrant seiz'd, and cheaply made his own.
As he with barb'rous Joy his Prize survey'd,
And walk'd beneath the Vineyards leavy Shade,
Pale with Suprize he the Great Tishbite met,
And soon did all his pleasing Thoughts forget;
When thus ElijahCruel and Profane!
And hast thou thus the guiltless Naboth slain!
Suborn'd his Murther and his Land possess'd!
Enjoy thy Conquest then, but hear the rest!


Thus saith the Lord—where murther'd Naboth lay,
His Limbs expos'd to rav'nous Hounds a Prey,
Thy Blood, Yes Tyrant! thine for his shall pay.
When Ahab thus, confus'd with Guilt and Fear,
—O my Ill Genius! hast thou found me here?
Yes, I have found thee, he severe pursu'd,
O sold to Sin, and lost to all that's Good!
Yet hear what farther for thy House design'd,
Still deeper Woes, and weightier Plagues behind!
'Tis God that says he will thy Line displace,
And ease the World of all thy vip'rous Race:
Thy House like Jeroboam's shall become,
Nor Baasha's fell by a severer Doom:
So high thy daring Provocations grown,
So black the Sins of Israel, and thy own.
—Nor shall the Wretch that shares thy Crimes and Throne,
False Jezebel escape, well worthy thee,
In Pride, in Malice, and in Cruelty:
The Dogs by Jezreel's Walls her Flesh shall tear,
And all thy impious Brood her Fate shall share.
He heard, and softly to the Palace went,
Trembling and pale; his Royal Robes he rent,
And Sackcloth wore, and did almost Repent.
Nor this to that Almighty Pow'r unknown,
Who all surveys from his celestial Throne;


Whose equal Hand does equal Right dispense,
His own lov'd People plagues for their Offence,
Rewarding ev'n imperfect Penitence:
For this to Ahab a Reprieve he gave,
And his devoted House to future Reigns did save.