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The Works of Mr Abraham Cowley

Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed: And Those which he Design'd for the Press, Now Published out of the Authors Original Copies ... The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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Bathing in the River.


The fish around her crowded, as they do
To the false light that treach'erous Fishers shew,
And all with as much ease might taken be,
As she at first took me.
For ne're did Light so clear
Among the waves appear,
Though ev'ery night the Sun himself set there.


Why to Mute Fish should'st thou thy self discover,
And not to me thy no less silent Lover?
As some from Men their buried Gold commit
To Ghosts that have no use of it!
Half their rich treasures so
Maids bury; and for ought we know
(Poor Ignorants) they're Mermaids all below.


The amo'rous Waves would fain about her stay,
But still new am'orous waves drive them away,
And with swift current to those joys they haste,
That do as swiftly waste,
I laught the wanton play to view,
But 'tis, alas, at Land so too,
And still old Lovers yield the place to new.


Kiss her, and as you part, you am'orous Waves
(My happier Rivals, and my fellow slaves)
Point to your flowry banks, and to her shew
The good your Bounties do;
Then tell her what your Pride doth cost,
And, how your use and beauty's lost,
When rig'orous Winter binds you up with Frost.



Tell her, her Beauties and her Youth, like Thee
Haste without stop to a devouring Sea;
Where they will mixt and undistinguisht ly
With all the meanest things that dy.
As in the Ocean Thou
No priviledge dost know
Above th' impurest streams that thither flow.


Tell her, kind flood, when this has made her sad,
Tell her there's yet one Rem'edy to be had;
Shew her how thou, though long since past, dost find
Thy self yet still behind,
Marriage (say to her) will bring
About the self-same thing,
But she, fond Maid, shuts and seals up the spring.