University of Virginia Library


[iii] [No Trust in Tyme.]

Looke how the Flowre, which lingringlie doth fade,
The Mornings Darling late, the Summers Queene,
Spoyl'd of that Iuice, which kept it fresh and greene,
As high as it did raise, bowes low the head:
Right so my Life. (Contentments beeing dead,
Or in their Contraries but onelie seene)
With swifter speede declines than earst it spred,
And (blasted) scarce now showes what it hath beene.
As doth the Pilgrime therefore whom the Night
By darknesse would imprison on his way,
Thinke on thy Home (my Soule) and thinke aright,
Of what yet restes thee of Lifes wasting Day:
Thy Sunne postes Westward, passed is thy Morne,
And twice it is not giuen thee to bee borne.