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A Storm upon the Seas compared to a Rebellion.

Thus the Rough Seas, which Boisterous winds inrage,
Assault a Ship, and in fierce VVarr ingage;
Just like rude Multitudes with Factions swell,
Caus'd by a rankled Spleen, and so Rebell
Against their Governour, thronging about
VVith hideous Noise, to throw his Power out;
And if their Power gets the upper-hand,
Do make him Sink, and then in Triumph stand,


Foaming at Mouth, as if great Deeds th'had done,
When they were Multitudes, and he but One:
So Waves about a Ship do Foam and Fret,
And each doth strive which shall the better get;
But Wisdome, like Skill'd Mariners, through wide
And gaping Jaws of Death, the Ship doth Guide,
And brings it to a Haven safe, or home;
And thus it did through many Dangers come.