University of Virginia Library



'T was God who heard when hope was dying;
'T was God who made me look and live.
He saw me to His covenant flying,
And condescended to forgive.
From long distress and thoughts of anguish,
He gave my spirit sweet release;
No more in sorrow left to languish,
My bosom now has perfect peace.
Tell me, dear Saviour, what oblation
To Heaven's high altar shall I bring?
What sacrifice for such salvation,
To Thee my life, my God, my King?
My soul, myself, my all, I give Thee,
Forever to be Thine alone;
And let my praise—for Thou art worthy—
Swell in rich numbers to Thy throne.
Accept my service, blessed Spirit.
Till I my course on earth have sped;
Then let me endless life inherit,
Still onward by Thy guidance led.