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2 occurrences of Pavement
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2 occurrences of Pavement
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How shall I bless thee, unforgotten friend?
A continent holds us asunder here:
They say that souls like meeting drops will blend
In heaven; but I thy earthly way would cheer.
Let me be unto thee like a fresh dawn
After a summer night of gentle rain,
When stifling droughts of yesterday are gone,
And cool and dewy growths arise again;
Or like a streamlet whispering down a hill
Secrets it hath from mountain-summits brought;
Playing about thy footsteps, pure and still,
A voice that answers to thine inmost thought;
Or like the Indian Summer's laden air,
Rich with the fragrance of the whole year's flowers;
A sky, with tints of every season fair;
A breeze-like sweetness of remembered hours!


Ah! might I dream such beauty in me dwelt,
And could surround thee, a new heaven and earth,
It were enough to know that influence felt;
To teach thee whence it rose were little worth.
And yet, if somewhat in these lovely things
Should make thee breathe my name, and start, surprised,
With smiles and tears that half-waked memory brings,
Deep joy it were, to be thus recognized!