University of Virginia Library



[Giver, Lord, of life and death]

Giver, Lord, of life and death,
Disposer of Thine own,
Ready to resign my breath,
Thou hear'st a sinner groan;
For this only thing I pray,
Indulged as with a last reprieve,
Take the sting of death away,
And then my soul receive.
Pass'd on all the sinful kind,
I own Thy sentence just,
Earth to earth again consign'd,
And dust be mix'd with dust.
Nature's debt content I pay;
But, O! before the flesh I leave,
Take the sting of death away,
And then my soul receive.
Father of compassions, show
Thy mercy to my heart,
That, when Thee in Christ I know,
I may in peace depart:
Nothing here can court my stay,
If Thou the prodigal forgive;
Take the sting of death away,
And then my soul receive.
If my threatening sins were gone,
How freely, Lord, would I
Lay the mortal body down,
As privileged to die;


God of love, no more delay
The grace, for which alone I grieve;
Take the sting of death away,
And now my soul receive.