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[Jesus, the just, the good]

Jesus, the just, the good,
Remember Calvary,
And claim the purchase of Thy blood,
Expended all for me:
My Saviour hitherto,
A little longer save;
The pardon'd penitent renew,
And hide me in the grave.
Not my own faithfulness,
But Thine I humbly plead,
Who will not quench a spark of grace,
Nor break a bruised reed:
Thy work, with life begun,
In this weak soul complete,
And let me groan my latest groan
For mercy, at Thy feet.
I ask not ecstasies;
But with a loving heart,
In steadfast hope and humble peace
Permit me to depart:


Suffice, that here I know
My sins through grace forgiven,
And calmly bless'd, with safety go
To endless joys in heaven.