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[I come, at Jesus' call I come]

I come, at Jesus' call I come,
Submissive to the general doom,
The way of all the earth I go,
And only wait my Guide to know;
Happy, if Thou my steps attend,
And bless me with a peaceful end.
While struggling in the toils of death,
Convulsed, I gasp my latest breath,
O that my soul, reclined on Thee,
Serene in mortal agony,
Might all the tyrant's darts defy,
And show the world how Christians die!
O could I then behold my God
Array'd in garments dipp'd in blood!
As when Thou didst the wine-press tread,
And meekly bow Thy dying head,


That I my spirit may resign,
Like Thee, into the hands Divine.
The grace Thou didst for me procure,
Let it my final peace ensure;
Implant Thine image in my heart,
And then, made ready to depart,
I gladly to the sentence bow;
I die to see my Saviour now.