University of Virginia Library


When cupid's dart first pierced my heart,
Jane Spinster was my darling,
Who kept for pets, two paroquettes,
A monkey, and a starling.
I asked the miss to grant a kiss,
But met a scoff, that drove me off,
And left the fair one snarling.
I next beset a young coquette,
For thirteen months or nearly,
Who played her part, with so much art,
I thought she loved me dearly.


But when, at last, her hand I asked,
She bade me know that such a beau,
Was what she wanted yearly.
A widow next my mind perplexed,
For half a year or over,
And like an ass, I hoped to pass
My days with her in clover;
I did, indeed, the fair agreed,
And named the day, then ran away
With Harry Blunt, the drover.
But hang the past, I'm fixed at last,
No more to be a ranger,
The knot is tied, and I 've a bride,
United past all danger.
Now who but I in clover lie,
The banquet 's mine, oh, how I'll dine,
No mastiff in the manger.