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TO ---.
Weary spirit, fold thy drooping wings;
O resign thy sad and hopeless quest:
Not on earth dwells the pure love that flings
Light to lure thee to thy heaven of rest.
Weary spirit, crush the hope that springs
Ever within thee as its fellow dies;
Treasured in heaven, with Eden's precious things,
Dwells the ideal that eludes thine eyes.
O give o'er thy heart's vain wanderings now;
E'en if led aright by fancy's beams,
Couldst thou, while the earth-veil dims her brow,
Recognize the Psyche of thy dreams?
Weary spirit, cease thy idle quest;
Listen to thy heart's deep voice at last;
Nestle on some kind and loving breast
Till life's mystery be overpast.
Round thee lies the earnest and the real,
Life's affections clustered near thee stand,
While at heaven's high gate thy bright ideal
Waits to greet thee in yon spirit-land.


In thine inmost heart the bright dream cherish,
Feed the flame that pointeth to the skies,
But let not earth's flowers unheeded perish,
While the far-off stars attract thine eyes.