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I dreamed a bright angel so near me was singing
My spirit seemed resting, at last, at the goal;
The deep-going strains through my bosom were bringing
The pure oil of joy to pour over my soul.
So sweet, so entrancing the spell that had bound me,
The rudeness of earth melted off by its power:
The air of an Eden seemed wafting around me
The scent of its fruit, and the spice of its flower.
The voice to my breast new emotions revealing,
Had lulled every dissonant heart-string to peace.
Its wounds were all touched with the unction of healing,
And darkness was fading, in glory to cease.
So holy the rapture, so blissful the dreaming,
I felt that my eye never after could weep;
Yet fain had I wept, when the morn with her beaming
Too soon round my pillow had broken my sleep!
My angel departed! with slumber in flying
The music was lost—it will bless me no more.
For earth seemed defied by the last note, in dying,
To breathe it again, or its power to restore.


My spirit must listen and sigh for it ever,
As through the dark desert a pilgrim I roam;
But, once heard below to invite me, it never
Repeats the sweet call—'t was a song of my home!