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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 146. Wards—names and boundaries.

For the purpose of municipal organization and government,
the city shall be divided into four wards, to be known respectively
as First, Second, Third and Fourth Wards, bounded as follows:

First Ward shall include all that portion of the city which lies
east of Fourth Street East extended to the city limits.

Second Ward shall include all that portion lying north of Main
Street and between Fourth Street East and Sixth Street West,
both said streets extended by straight courses to the northern
boundary of the city.

Third Ward shall include all that portion of the city lying south
of Main Street and between Fourth Street East extended to the
city's southern boundary, and Fifth Street West (formerly
known as the Old Lynchburg Road).

Fourth Ward shall include all that portion of the city lying
west of said Fifth Street West on the southern side of Main
Street and all lying west of Sixth Street West on the north side
of Main Street, the said Sixth Street West extended in a straight
line to the northern boundary of the city.

Sec. 147. Voting places.

The voting place for the First Ward shall be the room in the
rear of the County Treasurer's office in the Court House.

The voting place for the Second Ward shall be 243 West Main
Street (Cox Building).

The voting place for the Third Ward shall be the room in the
southeast corner of the fire engine house on the south side of
West Main Street.

The voting place for the Fourth Ward shall be at 1003 West
Main Street.


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Sec. 148. Numbering and naming streets.

Main Street shall be the east and west line from which all
houses and lot numbers shall be counted, those to the north of
Main Street, as north, and those to the south of Main Street, as

All streets maintaining comparative parallelism with Main
Street shall retain their present names. The meridian street shall
be Thirty-Third or Green Street, but shall be known as North
First or South First Street, as indicated by its position north or
south of Main Street.

What is known as Thirty-Second or Church Street north of
Main Street shall be known as North Second Street East, its
continuation south of Main Street, as South Second Street East.
What is now known as Thirty-Fourth Street, shall be known as
North Second Street West or South Second Street West, as the
case may be.

Whether one goes east or west, the streets running so as to
intersect Main, actually or by supposed extension shall be known
by the natural numbers increasing in either direction from the
meridian at First Street, save in the matter of Park and Ridge

Sec. 149. Houses—how numbered.

All houses fronting on the public streets of the City of Charlottesville
shall be numbered in conformity with the following
rules, as far as practicable:

(1) On streets running parallel with Main Street the odd numbers
shall apply to the north sides, and the even numbers to the
south sides. On streets running parallel with First Street the odd
numbers shall apply to the west, and the even numbers to the east

(2) On all streets running parallel with Main Street, the numbering
shall commence with No. 100 at First Street, increasing at
the rate of 100 numbers for each block going eastward and westward,
and with No. 100 at Main Street increasing at the same
rate going northward and southward.

Sec. 150. House numbers, how established.

The City Engineer shall establish all house numbers, allowing


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one whole number for every house or tenement, if practicable,
and, as near as may be, one whole number for every twenty-five
feet on vacant lots. He shall also furnish all owners of houses
with the information necessary for them in placing their numbers
on their houses, and shall give a certificate of the proper number
applicable to any house, when requested by the owner.

Sec. 151. Penalty for alteration, removal, etc.

Any person owning or occupying a house who shall number or
attempt to number it otherwise than in conformity with this ordinance,
and any person who shall deface, alter or remove a number
placed upon a house in accordance with this ordinance, shall,
upon conviction, be fined not less than two nor more than five