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Bachelor of Science in Education.

Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Education must offer
63 session-hours, divided between Group Electives and Electives-at-Large.

A. Group Electives: 30 session-hours, distributed among various groups
as follows:

Group I: 6 session-hours, which must be chosen from two of the following
subjects: French, German, Spanish.

Group II: 3 session-hours in Mathematics A1 or A2.

Group III: 12 session-hours in two subjects.

Group IV: 3 session-hours.

Group V: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in English Literature
A1 or A2.

B. Electives-at-Large: 33 session-hours, of which 15 must be in Education
B1 or B2, Education B3, Education B5 or B6, Education B7 or B9, and one
other course in Education. Of the remaining 18 session-hours, 3 may be in
Physical Training B1, and 15 must be elected from two of the six groups (not
more than 3 session-hours to be chosen in Education), subject to the approval
of a committee of the professors of Education. Students preparing for administrative
positions must take Education C3 (3 session-hours), and of the
remaining 12 session-hours may elect not more than 6 in Education.