University of Virginia Library


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This Hospital is the property of the University, and is under
the exclusive control of its Medical Faculty. It was designed and
is administered as a teaching hospital, being so arranged that free
use can be made of its clinical material without in any way disturbing
or violating the privacy of other patients.

The buildings are arranged upon the pavilion system, consisting
of a central structure, four stories in height, devoted to the
purposes of administration, and two wings. The administration
building contains, on the main floor, reception and consultation
rooms, an amphitheater and private operating rooms, with sterilizing
and anesthetizing rooms attached, and an X-ray room. The
upper floors furnish accommodation for the nurses of the training
school, while the basement contains the heating plant, laundry,
kitchen, etc. From this building corridors in three stories lead
out to the wards. These wards, having a capacity of about eighteen
beds each, are beautifully lighted, have direct indirect hot-water
radiators, and forced ventilation. Opening from each ward on the
east is a large protected porch, of great value to convalescents. The
south wing has been in use for several years; the new north wing,
completed in 1907, gives the Hospital a capacity of about 100 beds,
80 of these being in the public wards. The equipment throughout
is new, and conforms in all respects to the best usage of the day.

Attention is particularly called to the fact that this hospital,
with its associated dispensary, constitutes a valuable adjunct to the
teaching facilities of the Medical School. The variety of cases presented,
and more especially the opportunities offered for a thorough
study of the individual case, afford unusually satisfactorily conditions
for clinical instruction.


Hospital Board: Drs. Whitehead, Davis, Watts, Hedges, Macon,
Marshall, Compton, Flippin, Goodwin.

Visiting Staff: The visiting staff consists of the Hospital Board
and the Clinical Instructors in the Dispensary.

Director of the Hospital: Dr. Watts.

House Surgeon: Dr. Neff.

Internes: Drs. Cabaniss, E. C. Payne, F. M. Payne, and Woodbery.

Superintendent of Nurses: Miss M. J. Hurdley.

Assistant Superintendent: Miss Florence Ashton.

Night Superintendent: Miss Grace Allen.

In Charge of Operating Room: Miss Sara Apperson.

Dietetic Nurse: Miss Wright.

Pathologists: Drs. Marshall and Purdum.


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Dr. Flippin.

Dr. Magruder.

Dr. Hedges.

Dr. Davis.

Dr. Compton.

Dr. Goodwi.

Dr. Rea.

Dr. Nelson.

The Dispensary has been renovated and newly equipped, so that
it now affords the necessary facilities for conducting useful and
scientific clinics. In the past about fifteen hundred cases have been
treated annually, and this number should now increase. The students
are divided into small sections, and are required to examine,
record, treat, and follow each case that comes to the clinic. The
work is done under the close personal supervision of the various
instructors, and gives experience in handling patients which can
only be obtained from actual practice. The work is divided as

General Medicine,  Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
3 to 5 p. m. 
General Surgery and Gynecology, 
Genito-Urinary,  Tuesday and Thursday,
3 to 5 p. m. 
Pediatrics; Dermatology; 
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,  Tuesday and Saturday,
3 to 5 p. m. 


This school was established in 1901, and its first class was graduated
in June, 1903. Its aim is to give young women, desirous of
acquiring the art of nursing, the same care and thorough training
in their calling which is now afforded young men studying the
science of medicine. Instruction in the primary branches of medicine
is given to pupil nurses by the professors in the Medical Department
of the University of Virginia, while the clinical instructors
at the University Hospital give lectures upon their respective
courses. Three years is the required time for graduation, and all
candidates must enter prepared to go through the full course of
instruction and hospital training.

Candidates for the school should apply in their own handwriting
to the Superintendent of Nurses, University Hospital, University,
Va. These applications must be accompanied by certificates
of good character, good health, and sufficient education to profit
by the instruction offered. No candidate under twenty-one years
of age, or over thirty-five, will be received.