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The Decennial Celebration

During the month of June, 1892, the "Decennial
Celebration" was held, commemorating the tenth
anniversary of the changing of the name of Big Lick to
that of Roanoke and the location of the Roanoke
Machine Works in this city.

This was a gala day for Roanoke, and was an occasion
of much enthusiasm and interest. There was a street
parade with floats representing various classes of trade,
secret orders in full regalia, and employees of the
Roanoke Machine Works in uniform, representing the
several departments of this great enterprise. The
parade was reviewed from the Norfolk & Western
office building by Frederick J. Kimball, President of
the road. There were also entertainments of various
kinds, speech-making, and a general celebration commensurate
with the progress already achieved and the
brilliant prospects for the city's future.