University of Virginia Library


“If we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His Resurrection.”

Christ rises!—not alone, with Him His own
Are rising from their graves, and burst the veil,
And look again on this their earthly jail,
E'en as the moon doth not arise alone,
But watchful sentinels attend her throne,
Yet love that they themselves should fade and fail,
In her surpassing lustre dim and pale.
'Tis thus when Christ within the soul made known
His glorious Resurrection shall declare,
His love and light shall dissipate the gloom;
Nor shall He thither unattended come,
But all the graces with Him make their home,
When He the darkness of the soul lays bare,
Fain to vouchsafe His gracious Presence there.