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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 192. Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation.

The Third Part.

The Spirit saith, Dear Jesus come;
The thirsty Soul doth cry
Daily to thee; this is the summ,
O come most speedily.
Signs of thy Day upon us be,
The World it is perplex'd;
The Nations groan and long for thee,
By Wars being sorely vex'd.
Thy Saints do mourn their Sighs and Tears
Invite thee for to come,
The Martyrs Blood cryes in thy Ears
For Babels final doom.
Thou sayst, Surely I come quickly,
Amen, Amen, O Lord;
O come! O come! my Soul doth cry,
According to thy Word.
Lord, thou didst come, thou cam'st to die,
And bear most bitter pain,
God's Justice for to satisfie,
And Pardon to obtain.
Thou didst come to be humbled,
And suffer on the Tree,
Therefore shalt thou lift up thy Head,
And high exalted be.
Thy Right it is to reign as King,
Thou art the only Heir;
The Kingdom's, thine thy Foes down bring,
Thy vengeance let them bear.