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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CLXXV. 1 Kings, Chap. XIX. from Ver. 9. to Ver. 19.

God appears to Elijah, and commands him to anoint Hazael, Jehu and Elisha.

A Hollow Wind invades the Prophet's Ear;
'Twas God that call'd and said, What dost thou here?
He thus—A Loyal Zeal did me enflame,
Dread Lord of Hosts, for thy dishonour'd Name:


Ungrateful Israel does thy Laws disown,
Thy sacred Altars to the Ground have thrown;
Thy Cov'nant have they broke, thy Prophets slain,
And only I, unhappy I remain:
My envy'd Life their cruel Hands invade,
And force for Refuge to this Desart-Shade.
“Go forth, said God, and on the Mount appear,
I'll meet thee there, and thou my Will shalt hear:
When loe a boist'rous Whirl-wind rushes by,
And ploughs the Sand, and drives the troubled Sky:
The Rocks and Mountains by its Force are torn,
Thro' frighted Air like Dust their Fragments born:
Tho' loud the Noise, yet God himself's not there,
The Whirl-wind only is his Harbinger:
Earth hears the Tumult in the ruffled Skies,
From her deep Caves imprison'd Tempests rise;
Nature's eternal Gates and Bars remove,
To joyn their Fellow-Mutineers above:
The Realms of venerable Night display,
And gild the brown Abyss with hateful Day:
While Seeds of Fire awak'd through the broad Crater rise,
In Pyramids of Flame, and sally on the Skies:
Nor Fire, nor Earthquake, did the God confess,
His Pow'r, but not his Goodness these express:
Calm were the Winds, and hush'd the Thunders noise,
When next a gentle and harmonious Voice:


Soft-whisp'ring, fann'd the mild Ambrosial Air,
The trembling Prophet heard and did prepare,
He veil'd his Face, and knew that God was there.
Agen th'Eternal asks, from whence, and why
He came, the Prophet makes the same reply.
To whom the Sov'reign Arbiter rejoyn'd,
Thou shalt have Rest, thy Foes my Wrath shall find:
The spatious Way which will to Syria bring,
Pursue, and there anoint fierce Hazael King:
The Son of Nimshi Israel's Captain make,
Who just Revenge on Ahab's House shall take:
Elisha to thy Office shall succeed,
To wear thy Mantle he by Heav'n decreed:
By Jehu shall they fall who Hazael fly,
Who scape his Sword shall by Elisha die.
Yet have I left me, tho' to thee unknown,
A faithful Few whose Hearts are all my own:
Sev'n thousand Names who ne're wou'd prostrate fall,
To Israel's Shame, or kiss the Lips of Baal.
The Tishbite hears with Joy the happy News,
And Heav'ns Instructions he with ready Zeal pursues.