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The louer refused of his loue imbraceth death.
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The louer refused of his loue imbraceth death.

My youthfull yeres are past,
My ioyfull dayes are gone:
My life it may not last,
My graue and I am one.
My mirth and ioyes are fled,
And I a man in wo:
Desirous to be dedde,
My mischiefe to forgo.
I burne and am a colde,
I frise amids the fire:
I see she dothe withholde
That is my most desire.
I see my helpe at hand,
I see my lyfe also:
I see where she dothe stande
That is my deadly foe.
I see how she dothe see,
And yet she will be blinde:
I se in helpyng me
She sekes and will not finde.
I see how she doth wry,
When I begyn to mone:
I see when I come nie,
Hhw faine she wold be gone.
I see what will ye more
She will me gladly kyll:
And you shall see therfore
That she shall haue her will.
I can not liue with stones
It is to hard a fode:
I will be dead at once
To do my Lady good.