![]() | University of Virginia record February, 1910 | ![]() |
The candidate who has satisfied the requirements for entrance as
above defined is matriculated as a student of Engineering and admitted
to the regular Freshman Class. The studies of this class comprise
lecture-courses in Mathematics 1, Physics 1, and Chemistry 1, with
associated laboratory courses in Physics, Chemistry, and Drawing
and Shop-work, as specified below.
For advancement to the Sophomore Class the student must have
completed at least two thirds of his Freshman work. Upon entering
this class he elects his specialty. The courses thereafter diverge according
as the student is an applicant for a degree in Civil, Mechanical,
Electrical, Mining, or Chemical Engineering. Programmes of
study for each degree are given below.
The courses are so ordered that the specified entrance requirements
are adequate for the work of the Freshman Year. Each succeeding
year presupposes the completion of the work for all the foregoing
years. Students are advised to adhere strictly to the regular programmes.
The arrangements specified in them have been carefully
planned and are the best. Haphazard election is discouraged and in
extreme cases will be prohibited. No student will be registered for
a course unless in the opinion both of the Dean and of the professor

that course.
Students are especially advised against the attempt to crowd too
many studies into their scheme of work, and are warned that admission
to advanced courses will be granted only to those who have
adequate mathematical and scientific training to profit by them. Men
overloaded with work, too great in volume or in difficulty for their
powers, suffer inevitable discouragement and incur almost certain
Mathematics 1. [Page.]
In Trigonometry, a complete course in Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
is pursued with constant drill in the solution of problems,
and exercises in the use of logarithms.
In Algebra, the work begins with the Progressions and proceeds
with the study of the Binomial Formula, Convergence and Divergence
of Series, with special study of the Binomial, Exponential, and Logarithmic
Series. The study of Inequalities and Determinants prepares
for the Theory of Equations with which the course is closed.
In elementary Analytical Geometry the study of Cartesian and
Polar Coordinates is followed by numerous exercises on the graphical
representation of equations. Special attention is given to the straight
line and the representation of the general equation of the first degree
in two variables. The course is intended to prepare for the fuller
study of the Analytical Geometry of the conic sections.
Mathematics 2. [Echols].
The subject matter of this course consists of the Analytical
Geometry of the Conic Sections beginning with the circle; Differential
Calculus; Integral Calculus. It is expected to conclude the work
in Analytical Geometry early in November and then to take up the
Differential Calculus which is discussed until the March examinations.
The last term of the session is devoted exclusively to the
Integral Calculus. Applicants for advanced standing must pass a
written examination on the topics of Mathematics 1.
Mechanics 1. [Thornton].
The Fall Term is devoted to General Mechanics. The fundamental
laws of motion, force, and energy are established and applied to
the Statics and Dynamics of material particles and rigid bodies.

The work of the Winter Term is in Graphical Statics. The graphical
method is studied and applied to the analysis of roofs, bridges,
dams, walls, chimneys, and other simple structures. The elements of
the Strength of Materials are also taught.
In the Spring Term a careful study is made of Hydrostatics and
elementary Hydraulics. Special attention is given to problems of large
technical importance; such as the design of dams, aqueducts, and pipe
lines; the theory of the barometer and so on.
Parallel with the lecture courses laboratory exercises are given
in the testing of cements and mortars, of timber, and of iron and steel
and other metals.
Mechanics 2. [Thornton].
The work of the Fall Term is Strength of Materials. The fundamental
laws of strength and elasticity are developed and applied to
the analysis and design of the elements of structures and machines.
The Winter Term is given to the study of Stability of Structures;
as for example Continuous Girders and Trusses, Retaining
Walls and Reservoir Walls, Solid and Braced Elastic Arches, and
other structures of the more complex types.
In the Spring Term a course is given on Hydraulics and Hydraulic
Motors, in which the fundamental principles of this science are established
and applied to the great problems of Hydraulic Engineering;
as for example the design of aqueducts and pipe lines, the analysis
and test of turbines and pumps, and the gauging of rivers.
The practical courses, which run parallel with the lecture courses,
include advanced work in the Strength and Elasticity of Materials;
laboratory practice in Hydraulic Measurements (efflux, pipe friction,
pressure, buoyancy, and so on); and field exercises in gauging the
flow of rivers and canals.
Mechanics 3. [Thornton].
This course constitutes a complete survey of Analytical Mechanics.
The Fall Term is given to Analytical Statics, the Winter Term
to the Dynamics of a Particle, the Spring Term to the Dynamics of a
Rigid Body. For illustrative material use is made not only of such
classical topics as harmonic motion, projectile motion, planetary
motion, meteoric motion, and motion in resisting media; but examples
are taken also from engineering practice in the Kinematics of Machines,
the Dynamics of the Steam Engine, the Balancing of Single
and Coupled Engines, and others of the great problems of scientific

Physics 1. [Hoxton].
General Physics.—This course includes Elementary Mechanics,
Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism. Instruction is given
by text-books and lectures accompanied by experimental demonstrations.
In addition, recitations, solution of illustrative numerical problems,
and written reports upon quantitative laboratory work done by
the student are required.
Physics 2. [Hoxton].
Electricity and Magnetism.—The elements of the Mathematical
theory are developed, free use being made of the methods of the calculus.
The lectures begin, however, with fundamental principles of
the subject. Laboratory work more advanced than that in Physics 1
will be required, occupying the student from four to six hours a week,
and calling for the more exact measurement of the chief physical
quantities here dealt with.
Chemistry 1. [Bird].
This class meets three times a week for lectures and works six
hours a week in the laboratory. It studies the fundamental principles
of General Chemistry—Inorganic, Organic, and Physical; but devotes
most of the time to the significant phenomena of Inorganic Chemistry.
At appropriate places the foundations of Analytical Chemistry are
taught and such special exercises are given as will emphasize the
more important chemical properties of the structural materials of Engineering,
fuels, and so on. No previous study of Chemistry is demanded;
but to students, who have received preliminary instruction
in a chemical laboratory, the exercises assigned are of a somewhat
more advanced type.
Chemistry 2. [Kastle and Edgar].
This course consists of two divisions: Part I in Organic Chemistry:
Part II in Physical Chemistry. The class meets three times a
week for lectures and works four hours a week in the laboratory. For
Part II no knowledge of the Calculus is required.
Chemistry 3. [Bird].
This is a course in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. There are three

laboratory studies.
Geology 1. [Watson].
General Geology.—A course of three lectures a week and nine
additional hours a week for laboratory and field work, and private
study, throughout the year. The divisions of Dynamical, Structural,
and Physiographical Geology are covered in considerable detail.
Special emphasis is given to the study of common rock-forming minerals
and rocks, building stones and ores.
Geology 2. [Watson].
Economic Geology.—This course is designed to give a general
but comprehensive account of the origin, nature, distribution and uses
of the metallic and non-metallic products of the earth with especial
reference to those of the United States. Lectures, collateral reading,
laboratory and field work to the amount of twelve hours a week
throughout the year.
Drawing 1. [Thornton and Hancock].
The Freshman course combines instruction in Mechanical Drawing
and Shop-Work, the exercises begin so correlated that the student
acquires at the same time the elementary technique of Engineering
Drafting and the essentials of accuracy, neatness, and dexterity best
gained by carefully directed practise in the use of hand and machine
tools. Every exercise in the shops is the reproduction of a drawing
already worked out by the student himself at the drawing board.
Three periods a week of three hours each are assigned to this course;
two periods being given to Drawing and one to Shop-Work. The
exercises in the drafting room include free-hand and mechanical lettering,
elementary graphics, projection drawing, machine drawing,
and tracing and blue-printing. The shop exercises include benchwork
in wood and in metals, wood-turning, and work in wood and
metals with machine tools.
Drawing 2. [Thornton and Hancock].
The aim of the Sophomore course is to train the student in the
use of the graphical method not merely as a means of representation
but as an instrument of research both in Geometry and Mechanics.

to Graphical Statics. In the Spring Term the class is subdivided into
two sections, The Civil and Mining engineers are trained in Topographical
Drawing, including the construction of Maps and Plans.
The Mechanical and Electrical engineers are given a course in Machine
Drawing and Design which covers all the standard elements
used in building up a complete machine. Three periods a week of
three hours each are assigned for this work.
Drawing 3. [Thornton and Hancock].
In the Junior course the student applies the technical skill and the
graphical methods acquired in the earlier years to the independent
solution of more advanced problems in drawing and design. The
Fall Term is given to Structural Drawing, problems being assigned
in which use is made of the parallel studies of the class in the Strength
of Materials. In the Winter Term the study of Shades and Shadows
is taken up as an advanced chapter of Descriptive Geometry. In the
Spring Term a similar study is made of Linear Perspective. In this
course also three periods a week of three hours each are assigned to
the work.
Civil Engineering 1. [Newcomb].
Plane Surveying.—Lectures on the use and adjustment of the
Compass, Level, Transit, and Stadia: the Theory of Computations in
Surveying: the methods and proper conduct of Land, Mine, City, and
Hydrographic Surveys. Practical field exercises with Compass, Level,
Transit and Stadia.
Curves and Earthwork.—Lectures on Simple, Compound, Transition
and Vertical Curves; the form of Excavations and Embankments,
Earthwork Surveys, Computation of Volumes, Formation of Embankments,
Computation of Haul, Cost of Earthwork, Blasting. Practical
exercises in Map Drawing and Topography.
Building Construction.—Lectures on the Materials of Construction:
Soil Foundations: the design and construction of Walls, Floors,
Partitions and Roofs of buildings. Practical exercises in Structural
Drawing. Laboratory tests of Building Materials.
Civil Engineering 2. [Newcomb].
Masonry Construction.—Lectures on Foundations; the design and
construction of Dams, Retaining Walls, Bridge Piers and Abutments,

and construction of Reinforced Concrete Structures. Practical exercises
in the design of Masonry Structures and in Structural Drawing.
Short Span Bridges.—Lectures on the design and construction
of standard types of Steel and Timber Bridges. Each student makes a
complete bridge design with all necessary computations and drawings.
Railway Engineering.—Lectures on Reconnoissance and Preliminary
Surveys, Office Location, Field Location; the construction, maintenance
and operation of Railroads. In Field Work the class is divided
into squads, each squad making complete Surveys, Maps, Profiles,
and Estimates for a mile of located line.
Civil Engineering 3. [Newcomb].
Long Span Bridges.—Lectures on the design and construction of
the more intricate Simple Trusses, Cantilever Bridges, Steel Arches,
Continuous Girders, and Swing Bridges. Each student is required to
work out stress sheets and general drawings for specified types of long
span Bridges.
Water Works and Sewers.—Lectures on the quality, sources, collection,
conveyance, purification and distribution of City Water Supplies;
the laws of flow in pipe lines and aqueducts; the drainage of
houses and streets; the collection and conveyance of sewage; the
disposal of sewage; the construction and maintenance of the works.
Practical exercises in the design of pipe lines and sewers.
Roads, Streets, and Street Railways.—Lectures on the Principles
of Road Location; the Construction and Maintenance of Earth Roads,
Broken Stone Roads, Gravel Roads; the pavements for City Streets
and Sidewalks; the Location and Construction of Street Railways.
Laboratory tests for Road Materials.

Class | Topics |
Freshman | Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical Geometry. |
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. | |
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism. |
Chemical Laboratory. 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing, Shop-work in wood and iron. |
Sophomore | Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. |
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus. |
Civil Engineering 1. Plane Surveying, Curves and Earth Work, Building Construction. |
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Topographical Drawing. |
Junior | Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials, Stability of Structures, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. |
Geology 1. General Geology, Geological Field-Work, Geological Laboratory. |
Civil Engineering 2. Masonry Construction, Short-Span Bridges, Railway Engineering. |
Drawing 3. Structural Drawing, Shades and Shadows, Perspective. |
Senior | Civil Engineering 3. Long-Span Bridges, Water-Works and Sewers, Roads and Streets. |
Mechanics 3. Analytical Statics, Dynamics of a Particle, Dynamics of a Rigid Body. |
Engineering Electives. | |
Graduating Thesis. |

Mechanical Engineering 1. [Hancock].
Machine Kinematics.—A careful study of plane, spheric, and screw
motions, turning pairs, slider crank chains, cams, ratchets, escapements,
toothed gears and so on. Free use is made of the drawing
board, the bulk of the work consisting in the graphic solution of problems
and the production of finished plates.
Shop work under instructors in Joinery and Turning.
Machine Design.—Consideration of the straining actions to which
machine parts are subjected; analysis and design of machine parts,
such as fastenings, journals, shafts and bearings, the investigation of
these parts or elements being, as far as possible, independent of
their application to any special machine. Both carefully penciled designs
and finished plates are required.
Shop work under instructors in the Machine Shop.
Elementary Steam Engineering.—An elementary study of the
properties of steam; of the standard modern types of steam boilers,
engines, feed water heaters, and condensers; of gas, gasoline, oil, and
alcohol engines; and of steam turbines. Laboratory exercises in
steam tests for pressure, temperature and humidity; and in tests of
steam and gasoline engines for speed, horse-power, and mechanical
Mechanical Engineering 2. [Hancock].
Steam Engines and Steam Boilers.—Thermodynamics of the Steam
engine; behavior of steam in the engine cylinder; effects of superheating,
jacketing, compounding, and condensing; study of the steam
boiler as a means of transferring heat energy from fuel to engine,
based on a preliminary study of the heat values of fuels, of economizers
and of feed-water heaters. Laboratory tests for steam consumption,
heat consumption, and thermodynamic efficiency of a steam
Shop work under instructors in Pattern Making.
Engine and Boiler Design.—Study and design of valves, valve
gears, and governors; straining actions to which engine parts are subjected
and the design of these parts; balancing the engine; capacity,
strength, and proportions of steam boilers and boiler furnace design;
artificial and natural draft and chimney design; design of steam mains

Class | Topics |
Freshman | Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical Geometry. |
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. | |
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism. |
Chemical Laboratory. 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing, Shop-work in wood and iron. |
Sophomore | Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. |
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus. |
Mechanical Engineering 1. Machine Kinematics, Machine Design, Elementary Steam Engineering. |
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Machine Drawing. |
Junior | Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials, Stability of Structures, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. |
Electrical Engineering 1. Electrical Measurements, Direct Current Machinery, Telephony, Electric Batteries. |
Mechanical Engineering 2. Steam Engines and Boilers, Engine and Boiler Design, Steam Turbines, Gas Engines. |
Drawing 3. Structural Drawing, Shades and Shadows, Perspective. |
Senior | Mechanical Engineering 3. Hydraulic Machinery, Heating and Ventilation, Locomotive Engineering. |
Mechanics 3. Analytical Statics, Dynamics of a Particle, Dynamics of a Rigid Body. |
Engineering Electives. | |
Graduating Thesis. |

and boiler accessories. A complete engine and boiler design are required
of each student.
Shop work under instructors in the Forge Shop and in the
Steam Turbines and Gas Engines.—Thermodynamic theory of the
steam turbine; behavior of steam in nozzles and flow from orifices;
power and efficiency of the turbine; materials of construction, mechanics
of the turbine, and balancing the motor; study of standard types
of turbines. Theory of internal combustion engines; power, efficiency,
and economy; forces due to gas pressure and inertia; dimensions of
the engine parts. Laboratory exercises in thermodynamic and mechanical
efficiency tests of gasoline and alcohol engines. Complete
test of a steam power plant in the vicinity.
Mechanical Engineering 3. [Hancock].
Hydraulic Machinery.—Review of Theoretical Hydraulics as applied
to efflux from orifices, weirs, nozzles, and flow in pipes, canals,
and rivers; computation of the horse-power of streams and of hydraulic
transmissions; pressure machines, reciprocating pumps, water
wheels, turbines and centrifugal pumps, Complete hydraulic and
mechanical efficiency test of some water-power plant in the vicinity.
Heating and Ventilation.—Careful study and analysis of fuels
and determination of heat-values; types and arrangement of furnaces
and boilers; settings, appliances, and pipe fittings; principles of ventilation;
heat given off from radiating surfaces; systems of heating
and their design; special study of heating and ventilating public
buildings from the standpoint of correct sanitation. Laboratory exercises
in fuel tests, radiation from heating surfaces, and efficiency
tests of heating systems in large buildings.
Locomotive Engineering.—Study of the peculiarities in design
of locomotive furnaces and boilers; forced draft; valves and valve
gears; inertia effects on moving parts, their strength and design;
engine balancing; tractive force, hauling capacity, efficiency, and economy;
examination of the peculiar demands of service and investigation
of the means used to meet these demands.

Electrical Engineering 1. [Holladay].
The work of the Fall Term is devoted to the study of the fundamental
principles of Electrical Measurements, and Electric and Magnetic
Circuits. The Arithmetic of Electrical Engineering is emphasized
by the solution of numerous well graded exercises. A parallel
course in the laboratory familiarizes the student with measuring instruments
and their uses in making tests.
The work of the Winter Term is devoted to the study of the theory
and operation of Direct Current Machinery. In the laboratory the
student submits his theory to test by determining the characteristics
and constants of commercial types of Direct Current Generators and
During the Spring Term a study of Telephony is undertaken in
which the general principles of telephony, the design and construction
of commercial apparatus and the circuits connecting such apparatus
into operative systems are discussed. The year's work is completed
by a brief study of Primary and Secondary Batteries, the theory of
their reactions, the methods of manufacture, and some of the uses of
Electrical Engineering 2. [Holladay].
The Fall Term is devoted to the study of the fundamental principles
of Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Apparatus.
The physics of the phenomena is emphasized and by the use of
numerous exercises the student is thoroughly drilled in original calculations.
The course is paralleled by selected laboratory exercises
which give the use of standardizing apparatus.
The Winter Term is given to the study of Photometry, Electric
Lighting, and Low Voltage Power Distributions. The student is familiarized
with the different types of Photometers, Photometric Standards,
Incandescent Lamps, Arc Lamps, and Systems of Electrical
Distribution. In the laboratory the student tests various types of
commercial lamps, and studies their luminous effects, efficiency and
general characteristics.
The Spring Term is devoted to the Design of Electrical Apparatus.
Calculations are made of the electric, magnetic and mechanical
parts of Direct Current Machines, Transformers, and Alternators; and
the operation of certain laboratory apparatus is presented and the calculations
are verified by test of the apparatus itself.

Electrical Engineering 3. [Holladay].
The Fall Term is devoted to an advanced study of Alternating
Current Phenomena as encountered in complex Electric Circuits,
Transformers, Induction Motors, Frequency Changers, Alternators
and Synchronous Motors. The Vector Method is freely employed, as
by its use the analysis of the complex phenomena of Alternating Currents
is greatly simplified.
During the Winter Term a study is made of Electric Traction and
Traction Apparatus, including the various types of Direct and Alternating
Current railway motors, controllers, brakes, rolling stock,
track, train performance, and electric railway economics.
The work of the Spring Term is in part a résumé of the
entire course, embracing a general study of the Generation and Transmission
of Electrical Energy, Prime Movers, Generating apparatus,
auxiliary apparatus, switchboards, High Tension Transmission Lines,
and economic designs of modern Electric plants and Transmission
Laboratory exercises run parallel with the lectures throughout
the entire course.
Mining Engineering 1. [Newcomb and Hancock].
Plane Surveying.—Lectures on the uses and adjustments of the
Compass, Level, Transit and Stadia; on the computations of the Surveyor;
on the conduct of Land, Mine, City, and Hydrographic Surveys.
Practical field exercises with Compass, Level, Transit, and
Machine Design.—Lectures on the straining actions in Machine
Parts; on the analysis and design of such parts as fastenings, journals,
shafts, and bearings. Drafting exercises including both carefully
penciled designs, and finished plates in Machine Drawing.
Elementary Steam Engineering.—Lectures on the properties of
Steam; on the standard modern types of boilers, engines, condensers,
and feed-water heaters; on modern gas, gasoline, and alcohol engines;
and on the steam turbine. Laboratory exercises in testing steam for
pressure, temperature, and humidity; and steam and gasoline engines
for speed, horse-power, and mechanical efficiency.
[This course is identical with Chemical Engineering 1].

Class | Topics |
Freshman | Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical Geometry. |
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. | |
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism. |
Chemical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing, Shop-work in wood and iron. |
Sophomore | Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. |
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus. |
Electrical Engineering 1. Electrical Measurements, Direct Current Machinery, Telephony, Electric Batteries. |
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Machine Drawing. |
Junior | Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials, Stability of Structures, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. |
Physics 2. Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, Magnetic Induction, Theory of Electrical Measurements. |
Electrical Engineering 2. Alternating Currents and A. C. Apparatus, Electric Lighting and Photometry, Design of Electric Apparatus. |
Drawing 3. Structural Drawing, Shades and Shadows, Perspective. |
Senior | Electrical Engineering 3. Alternating Current Phenomena, Electric Traction, High Voltage Electric Transmission. |
Mechanics 3. Analytical Statics, Dynamics of a Particle, Dynamics of a Rigid Body. |
Engineering Electives. | |
Graduating Thesis. |

Mining Engineering 2. [Holladay and Newcomb].
Electrical Measurements.—Lectures on the principles of electrical
measurements, and of electric and magnetic circuits. Practical
exercises in the arithmetic of Electrical Engineering, involving the
solution by the student of numerous well-graded problems. Laboratory
work on measuring instruments, and their uses in making tests.
Direct Current Machinery.—Lectures on the theory and operation
of Direct Current Electric Generators and Motors; Laboratory exercises
on the tests for determining the characteristics and the electric
and magnetic constants of commercial types of machines.
Building Construction.—Lectures on the materials of construction;
on foundations and the bearing powers of soils; on the design and construction
of walls, floors, partitions and roofs of buildings. Practical
exercises in drafting and computation. Laboratory tests of building
[This course is identical with Chemical Engineering 2].
Mining Engineering 3. [Thornton].
Exploitation of Mines.—Lectures on the principles to be observed
in prospecting; on the work of opening the mine by shaft or adit
tunnel; on the layout of the underground workings and the extraction
of the mineral; on timbering the excavation; on lighting the mine; on
mine explosions and other accidents; on mine surveys, maps, and
plans. Practical exercises solved by the student in nocturnal surveying
and on the computations and drawings of the Mining Engineer.
Mining Machinery.—Lectures on the central power plant for mining
undertakings; on the theory and operation of power transmission
lines; on the machinery for haulage, hoisting, drainage, and ventilation;
on the methods and machinery used in hydraulic mining; and on
the machinery for quarrying and ore dressing. The lectures are paralleled
by a series of practical exercises in which the student makes
independent estimates on the mechanical equipment of a projected
mine or reports on the operation and outfit of some actual mine inspected
by him.
Electricity in Mining.—Lectures on the installation of electric
lines for light and for power in mines; on the special types of generators
and motors suitable for mines; on electric locomotives and haulage;
on electrically driven hoists, pumps, and fans; on electric coal
cutters; on electric lights for mines; and on electric methods of signaling.
Practical exercises in electric computations for mine intallations

Class | Topics |
Freshman | Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical Geometry. |
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. | |
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism. |
Chemical Laboratory. 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing, Shop-work in wood and iron. |
Sophomore | Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. |
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus. |
Mining Engineering 1. Surveying, Machine Design, Elementary Steam Engineering. |
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Topographical Drawing. |
Junior | Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials, Stability of Structures, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. |
Geology 1. General Geology, Geological Field-Work, Geological Laboratory. |
Mining Engineering 2. Electrical Measurements, Direct Current Machinery, Building Construction. |
Drawing 3. Structural Drawing, Shades and Shadows, Perspective. |
Senior | Geology 2. Economic Geology, Geological Field-Work, Geological Laboratory. |
Industrial Chemistry. Chemistry of Arts and Manufactures. | |
Mining Engineering 3. Exploitation of Mines, Mining Machinery, Electricity in Mining. |
Analytical Chemistry 1. Manipulation, Blowpipe Analysis, Fire Assaying, Systematic Qualitative Analysis. |
Graduating Thesis. |

Analytical Chemistry 1. [Dunnington].
This course consists of three lessons a week throughout the session,
after each of which the students spend three or four hours in
practical experiments in the Laboratory. A course in Chemical
Manipulation is first given, then Blowpipe Analysis, Recognition of
Ores, Fire Assaying of Ores of Lead, Gold, and Silver, and a systematic
course in Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, followed by practice
in the analysis of salts, alloys, and ores, and the examination of potable
water, coal, limestone, clay, and so on, including some simpler
quantitative determinations. Weekly written exercises are required.
Analytical Chemistry 2. [Dunnington].
The work of this course is also given in three lessons a week
throughout the session, each being followed by four hours or more
of practical laboratory work. This course is primarily one in Quantitative
Analysis. After some training in manipulation and gravimetric
estimations, the class pursues volumetric estimations and a full
course in Quantitative Analysis of minerals, ores, coal, soil, iron and
steel, technical products, and so on. Weekly written exercises are
required. As the student advances in the course he is encouraged to
undertake original research and assisted in its prosecution; and in determining
his fitness for graduation, work of this kind is considered as
having much weight.
The laboratory is open to students six days in the week, during
all the working hours of the day.
Industrial Chemistry. [Dunnington].
This course is concerned with the applications of chemistry to the
purposes of human life. It examines in detail the chemical principles
and processes specially involved in the more important arts and manufactures;
as for example the Metallurgy of iron, steel, copper, and all
the important metals: the Manufacture of limes, cements, mortars, and
other building materials: the Chemistry of explosives, lubricants,
paints, and other preservatives. Exercises in chemical computations
are regularly required.
The collections of the University in illustration of the processes
and products of Industrial Chemistry have been procured at much
expense and pains in this country, England, France, and Germany,
and are usually extensive and good; among the best on this side of the

Class | Topics |
Freshman | Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical Geometry. |
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. | |
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism. |
Chemical Laboratory. 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. | |
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing, Shop-work in wood and iron. |
Sophomore | Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. |
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus. |
Analytical Chemistry 1. Manipulation, Blowpipe Analysis, Fire Assaying, Systematic Qualitative Analysis. |
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Machine Drawing. |
Junior | Chemistry 2. Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry. |
Analytical Chemistry 2. Gravimetric and Volumetric Determinations, Systematic Quantitative Analysis. |
Geology 1. General Geology, Geological Field-Work, Geological Laboratory. |
Chemical Engineering 1. Surveying, Machine Design, Elementary Steam Engineering. |
Senior | Industrial Chemistry. Chemistry of Arts and Manufactures. |
Chemical Engineering 2. Electrical Measurements, Direct Current Machinery, Building Construction. |
Chemistry 3. Elementary Research Work in Inorganic Chemistry. |
Graduating Thesis. |
![]() | University of Virginia record February, 1910 | ![]() |