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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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‘Heav'n did to Man, its Noblest Work, impart
‘A yearning Pity, and a tender Heart:
‘This gen'rous Quality, in Tears express'd,
‘Is what adorns, and recommends him best.
‘But Men, with their Creator's Image grac'd,
‘By Cruelty, the Sacred Stamp defac'd:
‘Now Nature's peaceful Laws they disobey,
‘And spoil each other worse than Beasts of Prey.
‘While Beasts, by nobler Principles enclin'd,
‘Abstain (tho' urg'd by Hunger) from their Kind;
‘More savage Men no soft Compassion shew,
‘But, as their Foes, insult their Fellows too:
‘They act Barbarities that Brutes disdain,
‘And nothing Human, but the Shape, retain.