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Of þe peynes of helle, & amonesting.

Hit is no neod now for to telle
More of þe peynes þat ben in helle.
In bodi & soule þei han gret nuye,
Of al þis Ioye þe contrarye.—
Ȝif þou be-þenke þe, my dere frend, wel
Of al þis Ioye eueriche a del
Þat god haþ ordeyned for þi solace
Whon þou schalt sen him in his face,
Þou hast gret Matere, sikerliche,
Him to loue souereynliche
Þat such knowynge and such wit
Ȝiueþ vs of him in holy writ.
Nou hast þou matere of holy speche
Vnwysore þen þou for to teche;
And whon þou spekest wiþ eny mon
Þat more good con lere þen þou con,
Sum of þeos Materes þou maiȝt enqwere,
Wel more good for to lere.—