University of Virginia Library

Time trieth truth.

Eche thing I se hath time which time must trye my truth,
Which truth deserues a special trust, on trust gret frēdship groweth
And frendship may not faile where faithfulnesse is founde,
And faithfulnesse is ful of frute, & fruteful thinges be sounde.
And sound is good at proufe, and proufe is prince of praise,
And precious praise is such a pearle as seldome ner decayes.
All these thinges time tries forth, which time I must abide,
How shold I boldly credite craue till time my truth haue tryed.
For as I found a time to fall in fansies frame,
So I do wishe a lucky time for to declare the same.
If hap may answere hope and hope may haue his hire,
Then shall my hart possesse in peace the tune that I desire.