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Under Lewis the Pious West/Leo 5 the East 815/814
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Under Lewis the Pious West/Leo 5 the East 815/814

Pope Leo Dead, his foes do broach new broils.
But Stephen Quart to quench the firey toiles
Entreates King Lewis those for Leo's Sake
Charles banisht, might return, so th'fire did Make.
But Stephen dead, the folk and Clergy bigg
With things Seditious Paschall up did rig
And Popefy. Lewis not privy to't
Then Lea slay and Theodore, of note
Who Lothair's right mentain'd. But Paschal purgd
Himselfe by Oath, lest for the fact he's Scourg'd.
Constantinoples Leo Emperour
Did Image worship by good Law abhor.
Hence Nicephor did with his Image Crew
By Pens, and Preaching gall upon him Spew.
But he observing all their Rhetorick
Want Scripture force Nicephorus did kick
Into Exile who su'de to Michael Balb
To have him, and his Image work recalld.
But all in vain. More Image Stir was made
By Methody, and Euthymy till paid
Well for the Same. This mischiefe also flames
Till Stripes it damps, when the Imperiall Rains
Were by Theophilus mentain'd, which Strife
Raisd up for Images by Michaels wife.