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CXCVI. Virginia Company. A Commission to Thomas Smith November 21, 1621
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CXCVI. Virginia Company. A Commission to Thomas Smith
November 21, 1621

Additional Manuscripts, 14285, Folios 73–74
Document in British Museum, London
List of Records No. 225

[73] A Com̄ission granted by the Treasuror Counsell and Company for
Virginia to Thomas Smith for the free fishinge on the coast of America.

To all to whome these presentℯ shall come to be seen or heard the Treasuror
Counsell & Company for Virginia [for Virginia] send greetinge. Whereas
the right honoble Henry Earle of Southampton Sr Edwin Sandys knight
John fferrar Thomas Kightly Gabriell Barbor and John Delbridge haue
for the aduancement and supporte of the Colony in Virginia furnished
and transported the good Shippe the Hopewell of the burden of 190 tun̄e
to transporte and carrie ouer into Virginia 20: p̱sons there to plante and
inhabite together with sundrie necessarie prouisions aswell for the said
Passengers as also for the benifitt and advancement of the Colony and
haue ordained Thomas Smith to be Mr Gouernor and Captaine ouer the
said Shippe and Marriners as also as the Passengrs wee therefore doe by
these presentℯ straightly charge and com̄and the said Thomas Smith to
take the directest course accordinge to his best skill for Virginia and to
lande and deliuer all the Passengers and goodℯ accordinge as he shalbe
here ordered and appointed and after the p̱formance of the said voyage
wee doe by these presentℯ giue full power lycense and authority vnto the
said Thomas Smith and the rest of the Marriners of the Hopewell freely
to fish in all p̱tℯ of the Sea coast of Virginia between the degrees of 33 and
45 northerly latitude as also freely at their pleasure to land on the said
Coast and the same to vse aswell for dryinge of their nettℯ dryinge and
salting of their fish as also for all other necessarie vses for themselues and
fishinge duringe the time of that seruice wthout wronginge or annoying
the priuate possession of any man Straightly charginge and requiringe all
Inhabitantℯ or Members of either of the Colonies of Virginia and all other
p̱sons tradinge thither or there remayning to giue no disturbance or
annoyance contrary to the effect of these presentℯ to the said Thomas
Smith or the said Shipp the Hopewell or any vessell boatℯ Agentℯ ffactors
Marriners Saylors or labourers therevnto belonginge as they will answeare


the contrarie at their p̱illℯ. And wee doe further charge the said Tho:
Smith not to interrupt the Shippinge [74] of the Subiectℯ of any his
Matℯ freindℯ or Allies or any other whatsoeuer during the time of his said
voyage but if he shalbe chased or encountred by any man of Warre or
other Sayle whatsoeuer that shall goe about to hinder his proceedingℯ or
do him any violence In such cases according to the power graunted vnto
vs by his Matie wee will and com̄and him wth all his power and vttermost
endeauor to repell resist and defend himselfe and our honors against the
vniust force of what Nation soeuer aswell in his passage outwardℯ as ∥and∥ homewardℯ as in all our harbors and Riuers, (Members of the Ter-
ritories of our Plantac̃on: And this our Com̄ission shalbe his sufficient
warrt herein In Wittnesse whereof wee haue herevnto caused our com̄on
Seale to be an̄exed Dated by order of a generall Courte holden for
Virginia the 2[254] in the yeare of our Lord God 1621 and in the
nineteenth yeare of the Kingℯ Matℯ raigne of England ffrance and Ireland
and of Scotland the fower and fiftith.


Sic in manuscript.