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The courses are principally conducted in the laboratories, but lectures
are given to explain the manufacture of materials, the design and operation
of equipment, methods of testing, and the reasonable interpretation
of the results.

650. Road Materials Testing. [Miller.]

6 hours a week.

Samples of stone are tested for specific gravity, absorption, cementing
value, toughness, resistance to abrasion, and compressive strength.
Asphalts and tars for specific gravity, penetration, melting point, volatilization,
viscosity, fixed carbon, etc. (Spring.)

660. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Standard tests for Portland cement; tests of fine and coarse aggregates;
proportioning of concrete by sieve analysis and Fuller's curve;
compression tests of cement, mortar, and concrete; tension, compression,
and torsion tests of metals; transverse tests of timber and cast iron; autographic
testing. The Standards of the American Society for Testing
Materials are used as a guide and reference. (Winter.)

661. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course is similar to 660 but is arranged to cover part of the
work in a shorter time. (For Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.)

670. Fuel and Oil Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Standard methods for sampling coal; determination of the heating
value of coal by the bomb calorimeter, with a study of the cooling correction;
proximate analysis of coal; the heating value of gas by the Junker
calorimeter; determination of viscosity, flash point, chill point, and
specific gravity of oils; the coefficient of friction for lubricants. (Fall.)

671. Fuel and Oil Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course includes the tests for oil given in 670 and a brief study
of coal testing. (For Civil Engineers.) (Fall.)

680. Hydraulic Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

The measurement of the flow of water by standard orifices and weir
notches; calibration of a piston meter; tests of the Venturi meter; determination
of the coefficient of friction for pipe and pipe elbows; economy
and capacity tests of pumps. (Spring.)


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690. Power Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

The calibration and adjustment of gauges; calibration of thermometers,
planimeters, and indicators; valve setting; determination of clearances;
flue gas analysis; steam quality tests; mechanical and thermal efficiency
tests of a steam engine; tests of a gasoline engine; test of the University
Power Plant boilers. (Fall.)

691. Power Testing. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course is a continuation of 690. Complete test of a steam engine;
guarantee test of a steam turbine with method for correcting to
standard conditions; turbine tests; tests of an air compressor; tests of a
centrifugal blower. The Power Test Code of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers is used throughout. (Winter.)

Engineering Reports.

Instruction is given in the arrangement of material, its presentation by
tables and curves, and in computing with the slide rule and by logarithms.
Preliminary reports are required for each separate test. The final report
covers a series of tests corresponding to the usual commercial or research
investigation, and must meet the standards of professional practice.