University of Virginia Library

Bachelor of Science in a Special Subject.

Candidates for the vocational degree of Bachelor of Science in a
Special Subject must complete 60 session-hours, divided between Group
Electives and Electives-at-Large.

A. Group Electives: 30 session-hours, distributed among various
groups as follows:

Group I: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in French and 3 in

Group II: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in Mathematics A1
or A2.

Group III: 12 session-hours in two subjects.

Group V: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in English Literature
A1 or A2.

B. Electives-at-Large: 30 session-hours, chosen in conformity with
the following regulation. At least two years before the date of graduation,
the candidate must select one of the Schools of Natural or Mathematical
Science as his Major School, and during the remainder of his candidacy
must pursue work in that School and such other courses as shall be prescribed
by the professor or professors in charge of his Major School and
approved by the Academic Faculty.