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[Faith, though rational, is founded]

Faith, though rational, is founded
Not on man, but God alone,
On the great Jehovah grounded,
Persons three in essence one:
Who aright his Lord confesses,
Unremovable he stands,
Fix'd on an eternal basis,
'Stablish'd with almighty hands.
Not on vain imaginations
Do we, Lord, for proof depend;
Not on fancied inspirations,
When Thou dost Thy Spirit send:
Unenlighten'd reason leaves us
Nought to build our faith upon:
Evidence Thy Spirit gives us
Brighter than the mid-day sun.
Slighting nature's every feeling,
We on grace alone rely:
God in us His Son revealing
Makes us Abba Father cry:


When we find the hidden treasure,
Christ discover'd from above,
Then our souls perceive the pleasure,
Impulse sweet of Jesus' love.
O that all our blind gainsayers
Might the loving impulse feel!
Triune God, regard our prayers,
Thou in them Thyself reveal,
By the Spirit's demonstration
Teach their hearts the mystery,
Show to each the great salvation,
Tell him—I have pardon'd thee!