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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 190. Christ's Passion and Exaltation.

Hosanna to King David's Son,
The Lord's anointed One,
VVho quickly shall exalted be
Upon his glorious Throne.
Triumph and shout, O Heavens high!
And let the Earth rejoyce!
And let the Saints melodiously
Lift up in Songs their voice
To Christ the King, because that he
A Feast provideth here;
And tells us we all welcome be
To eat of his good Chear.
His Flesh for us doth freely give,
His Blood to drink also,
That we might never die but live,
These Blessings from him flow.
His bleeding VVounds, out-stretched Arms,
And yearning Bowels dear,
To us run out for sweet support,
That so we might not fear.
Thou art the first, yea and the last,
VVas dead, and art alive;
And lives for ay, therefore to thee
All honour we must give.