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Where, my soul, is now thy boast?
Where the sense of sin forgiven?
Destitute, tormented, lost,
Down the stream of nature driven,
Crush'd by sin's redoubled load;
Where, my soul, is now thy God?
Far from me my God is gone,
All my joys with Him are fled,
Every comfort is withdrawn,
Peace is lost, and hope is dead;
Sin, and only sin I feel,
Pride and lust, self-will and hell.


Did I then my soul deceive?
Rashly claim a part in Thee?
Did I, Lord, in vain believe,
Falsely hope Thou diedst for me?
Must I back my hopes restore,
Trust Thou diedst for me no more?
No—I never will resign
What of Thee by faith I know;
Never cease to call Thee mine,
Never will I let Thee go:
Be it I my soul deceive,
Yet I will, I will believe.
Though I groan beneath Thy frown,
Hence I will not, cannot fly;
Though Thy justice cast me down,
At thy mercy-seat I lie;
Let me here my sentence meet,
Let me perish at Thy feet!