University of Virginia Library

My Lord (She joyn'd) 'Tis Truth, I may declare,
More Suitors plead for Grant. Yet to compare
Mens Persons, Parts I like not now; for Love,
Whereof you Boast, that may Dissembling prove.
Madam (he said again) that splendid eye
Of your Choice Mind, conceiv'd mst searching spy,
Judicious one, False, Counterfeited Lover
Through his play'd Scene, Disguise would soon discover:
Grant such it were, my Lord (She strait reply'd)
Yet skilful Art perform'd on th' Actor's side
May Cheat, Deceive, conjoyn (Valenson said)
Madam, withal, if view'd in Glass, Survey'd
Your Powerful Beauties and Perfections be,
'Twill frame strong Argument for Love in me.