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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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A woman.

A Woman fawnes, and doth intrap,
a woman wageth war:
She guiles the bodie she doth blind,
the members she doth mar.
She febles force, she drawes a man,
she burneth vp the bones:
She fawnes, giues, askes, she likes, she lothes
she merrie makes, she mones.
She wasteth wealth, though purse be stuft,
she crosses makes the same:
She fights, she throwes downe mighty walles,
strong Castelles she doth tame.
She posies beares: she glasses hath:
as pert as any Pie:
She smelles, she kisseth, and her corps
she loues excedyngly.
She tufts her heare, she frotes her face,
she idle loues to be:
She mincyng iets: to vertue slow,
but prone to vice is she.