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The Scourge of Folly

Consisting of satyricall Epigrams, And others in honour of many noble Persons and worthy friends, together, with a pleasant (though discordant) Descant upon most English Proverbs and others [by John Davies]

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Epig. 189. To the highly honored Earle of Ormond.

Great, glorious, feard, and much beloued Earle,
Englands fast friend, and Irelands constant Stay;
Which Time continues (drawing still away)
Vpon thy Countries Front, a matchlesse Pearle:
Thy Princely Partes, Howse, Fortunes, Followers, Port,
(which princely make thy Person and Estate)
Are such as thy great Name do much elate;
And make thy Fame out-flye her owne report.
And (loe) to Nurse thine honorable age,
How Heau'n, to make thy Heau'n on Earth compleat,
Hath wiu'd thee with a Dame, lesse faire then great,
And yet as faire as wondrous good and sage:
O then (bright SVNNE) thy Beames shall ne're decline,
While Lines to Heauen can raise those Raies of thine.