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[Thee, great tremendous Deity]


To—“O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!

Thee, great tremendous Deity,
Whom Three in One, and One in Three
I to the world proclaim,
Inspire with purity and peace,
And add me to Thy witnesses
By telling me Thy name.


Fix'd on the Athanasian mound,
I still require a firmer ground
My sinking faith to bear:
I want to feel my soul renew'd
In the similitude of God,
Jehovah's character.
My notions true are notions vain;
By them I cannot grace obtain,
Or saved from sin arise:
Knowledge acquired by books or creeds
My learn'd self-righteous pride it feeds;
'Tis love that edifies.
The truth I seemingly possess,
But hold it in unrighteousness
Without experience sure:
Whoe'er the holy God contains,
He must be purged from all his stains,
A vessel clean and pure.
Furnish'd with intellectual light,
In vain I speak of Thee aright,
While unreveal'd Thou art:
That only can suffice for me,
The whole mysterious Trinity
Inhabiting my heart.
Come then, Thou Triune God unknown,
Take full possession of Thine own,
And keep me ever Thine,
An heir of bliss, for glory seal'd,
A temple of the Lord, and fill'd
With all the life Divine.