University of Virginia Library


[A tinted cheek—the flash of eyes]

A tinted cheek—the flash of eyes
That others far outshine,—
Lips arched to girlhood's very dream,
These, lady, are not mine;
If but with unmatched grace in these,
Your love alone can live,
Farewell to happy hopes and you;
I've but a heart to give.


A haughty blood whose founts were kings,—
A name to history known,—
Broad lands—ancestral halls, of these
Not one I call my own;
If girt with shadows such as these,
Your love alone can live,
Alas, farewell to hope and you;
I've but a heart to give.
A mind that in its strife with mind
Has worthiest homage won,—
A life whose hopes, to change no more,
Have cored them into one,—
A passionate thirst of love for love,
True as with life can live,
If such content you, these are mine,
All these my heart can give.
Hold not my passion's offerings poor;
Trust me, a true heart's worth,
Ay, more than all the tinsel shows
That dazzle the dull Earth;
A life's love—higher gift than mine
Can proffer none that live,
Though rich alone in sumless love,
I've but a heart to give.