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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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The Argument.

Edward the sixt his timelesse Life bereft;
(Though doubtfully) yet his Dominion left
To his Sister Mary: but by Henry Gray,
Then Duke of Suffolke, bearing mightie sway,
With the Consent, and by the pow'rfull Hand
Of John, the stout Duke of Northumberland,
His fourth sonne Gilford Dudley, they affy'd
To faire Jane Gray, which by the Mothers side
Some Title claym'd: this Marriage them betweene,
The Lady Jane was here proclaymed Queene.
But Mary soone prevayling by her Pow'r,
Causes those two preserved in the Tow'r,
There to be prison'd; where, their blame to quite,
They each to other these Epistles write.