University of Virginia Library



Sing halelujah to the Lord.
Sing ane wnvswall song;
A new one signe yea of his prayse,
Wher sancts togither throng.
Let Israell, in his maker, mirth
Expresse in hart and voyce;
And let the sons of Sion shout,
And in ther king rejoyce.
The floote, the timbrell and the harp,
To celebrat his name
Let them employ, & singing psalmes,
His prayse aloud procleame.
For in his people (to him deare)
The Lord doth pleasur tak.
He with salvatioune the meek
Bewtyfull will mak.
In glory let the sancts exult,
And mak ther bedds rebound
With songs of joy; let in ther mouths
The hights of God be found;
And in ther hands a tuo edg'd sword,
That vengance they may tak
On heathens, and to punischments
May people subject mak;
That they their kings with bonds may bound,
And chains upon them lay;
With iron fetters that mak fast
Ther speciall peeres they may,


And on them execute the doome
Keept written in record,
A honor due to all his sancts.
Sing prayse wnto the Lord.